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5 Reasons the Terrorists Won’t Stop Me from Traveling

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This post originally appeared at president Jim Johnson

As president of, I travel a lot overseas. A lot. And many of my travels take me to places where terrorist attacks have occurred or, in one case, was about to occur. So it hits me in my gut when terrorist attacks strike familiar destinations like Paris and Brussels, especially when airports and public transit are involved. I mourn for the loss of lives. And I think, “That could have been me.”

Still, I won’t stop traveling. Why not?

Here are 5 reasons the terrorists won’t stop me from traveling:

1. That’s how the terrorists win—by paralyzing us. By making us change our lifestyles.

2. If we avoid places where terrorists have hit, it adds insult to injury, why? Because in my case (and i'm pretty sure many will relate) I have had many injuries, including a 7 Keys to Traveling Without Fear Despite Terrorist Attacks.”

She writes, “You may be making travel plans—or trying to—and you can’t help but wonder: If I go, what is the risk that I will get caught in a terrorist incident? How do I minimize that risk? If I can’t minimize it, how do I get over my fear? I believe the solution is to put your risk in perspective. Here’s how.”

Jim Johnson is the founder and president of E-mail him at [email protected]