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The Cetacea Project

About Us

Whale conservation is an important part of keeping the ocean environment flourishing. The Cetacea Project is a non-profit organization conducting a marine mammal monitoring program designed to survey local whale populations and their health.

Researchers must investigate the life history and ecology of whales populations to understand their involvement in the web of life. By collecting and sharing research, the project hopes to paint a more complete picture of whales and their role in shaping marine ecosystems.

People can help us in their conservation efforts by partaking in a Whale Research Safari program, by encouraging the Adopt a Whale program, and by making a donation to The Cetacea Project.

Whale Research Safari Program:

  • When you partake in our Whale Research Safari program, you will assist us in collecting data that is vital to our conservation work.

Citizen’s Science Program:

  • We hope to involve local communities in our Citizen’s Science program and increase public awareness about threats faced by marine wildlife

The Cetacea Project is the non-profit arm of Wild Seas. Explore trips by Wild Seas here!

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