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Sharing the Magic of Travel Across All Ages

Story by Thomson Family Adventures


WATERTOWN, Mass. - One of most enriching experiences in life is to share an adventure with loved ones. However, it can be difficult to plan and make happen with the varying interests, schedules and abilities that come with every age group.. Thomson Family Adventures specializes in planning for this very special and unique experience.

“We’ve seen a significant increase in multi-generational travelers. Families have such a hard time getting together today that when they do, they want it to be a fantastic experience with long lasting memories for everyone. At least 30% of our business consists of multi-generational travelers.” Says Jim Kackley, General Manager of Thomson Family Adventures

Ann, a recent traveler, said: “My husband and I celebrated our 50th anniversary by taking our family – thirteen in all, ages 10 to 77 – on Thomson Family Adventures’ trip to the Galapagos and the Highlands of Ecuador. The trip was a total success, with Thomson Family Adventures assistance in trip planning, making all the necessary reservations at beautiful haciendas and providing terrific guides. Hats off to Thomson Family Adventures for an outstanding family experience!

Ecuador is just one of the 14 destinations suited for families that Thomson Family Adventures specializes in. From a thrilling zip line through the rain forests of Costa Rica, to marveling at the Pyramids of Egypt, there is sure to be a trip that speaks to both the young and the young at heart. Thomson Family Adventures offers trips throughout the world with varying levels of difficulty, and offers activities for every age, so travelers can plan their adventure together and chose a trip that will awe, inspire and educate everyone.

Planning a trip that will please everyone can be overwhelming; with the assistance of Thomson Family Adventures travelers can express their varying needs and interests and know that an expert will provide trip options for the perfect adventure for the whole family. “With such a variety of sites to be seen and experiences to be had around the world finding a match is just a matter of research, experience, and listening to each family's unique needs” says Moo Bishop, Family Travel Advisor. A customized itinerary, expert advice, and professional support will be given to each family to ensure that every last detail is taken care of. Thomson Family Adventures takes the stress out of planning the perfect adventure so that travelers can focus on having fun and enjoying each other.

Thomson Family Adventures is the oldest family adventure company, and has been around since 1998. Trips are designed by families for families and have been tested and refined over time to create perfect family adventures. Please visit to see the variety of adventures offered and to learn details about rates and specific itineraries. No one understands and admires the desire to share travel between multigenerational family more, and Thomson Family Adventures makes it more accessible than ever to book a vacation of everyone's dreams.