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Travel Patagonia with Geographic Expeditions, A Leader in Sustainability

By Tomorrow's Air

Posted: February 13, 2023


A visit to Patagonia with Geographic Expeditions is notable not only for the breathtaking landscapes and activities it offers, but also for the access to the South American conservation leaders and visionaries who have inspired countless others around the world. 

This experience is led by Raffaele di Biase. A world class birder and naturalist guide since 2007, he is the author of two books on Patagonian wildlife and has been recognized for his pioneering work in sustainable tourism. (We’re also proud to note he was also one of the first guides and company owners to join Tomorrow’s Air.)

With Raffaelle in the lead, stroll through old growth alerce trees and join field scientists for a day of wetlands rewilding, and savor fresh local cuisine. By special invitation visit with an indigenous Huilliche community, where the Lonko (chief) explains their traditions and connection to the land.  In the remote Pumalín Douglas Tompkins National Park, one of Chile’s largest and most biodiverse parks  Explore exotic flora in the Valdivian rainforest, learning from rangers how camera traps are used for conservation of endangered species.

In March of 2023, there is also the opportunity to have a private dinner at Casa Butler, the home of Douglas and Kristine Tompkins, who dedicated their lives to conserving the beauty and biodiversity of Chilean Patagonia, with the goal of countering both climate change and the species extinction crisis.

Your travel spending supports the ongoing conservation efforts in this unique area. In addition to their focus on travel’s local benefits, Geographic Expeditions is a Tomorrow’s Air partner, inviting guests to help build the carbon removal movement and channel funding carbon removal innovators.

Learn more about the experience. Images via @geoex @exploratravel