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Zara Tours (Zara Tanzania Adventures)

ZARA is a safari-trekking operator in Tanzania

About Zara Tours (Zara Tanzania Adventures)

Zara Tanzania Adventures has successfully hosted visitors in East Africa since 1986. We organize Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru treks, and safaris in all Tanzanian National parks and wilderness areas. We guide you safely, reliably, and professionally, from the Serengeti plains to Kilimanjaro’s summit. We have our own properties: Springlands Hotel, Highview hotel and Wild Camp. Our decades of experience, local knowledge of the area, qualified climbing guides, and safe safari operators, assures you an experience that you will remember for a lifetime. Safety, efficiency, and reliability have earned us the reputation for being the best-valued and most successful tour operator in the region. With 88 registered Kilimanjaro guides, we are ready to lead you safely to the top of Kilimanjaro. With a fleet of 4X4 Land Rovers, mini buses, and Land Cruisers (all equipped with viewing roofs), we are ready to take you on a stunning safari adventure where our English-speaking guides will share their knowledge and stories of the incredible Tanzania game reserves.

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Our Activities

  • Ballooning
  • Beach & Watersport
  • Climbing
  • Cultural
  • Family
  • Hiking & Trekking
  • Nature
  • Photography
  • Safari
  • Scuba & Snorkeling
  • Walking

Our Destinations

  • Africa
  • Eastern Africa
  • Tanzania
Tourist Activities That May Be Conducted While Being at Esirwa-Ngorongoro Wild Camp

1. VISITING LAKE EYASILake Eyasi:  Located south of the Serengeti National Park and immediately southwest of the Ngorongoro is one...

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