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What We Do, Defines What Travelers Want



We thought we would capture what we do in a video called simply, What We Do.   This video was the easiest way for One Horizon to convey our ‘social purpose’.  And with travelers gearing up after the pandemic for trips abroad, it seems that they are seeking experiences that connect them with people.  And it’s One Horizon’s engagement model that helps bring people together to learn from each other and gives them unforgettable experiences.   We know that Travel Agents want to give their customers amazing experiences, and this is where One Horizon has been the leader in this field.  

One Horizon bedrock are the sustainable programs which aim to leave a positive impact on every aspect of communities in Kenya.  The real gems of Kenya are not the wildlife (as incredible as it is) but the people.   Communities that teach us about life’s priorities and what is really important.   So, why not take a look at our What We Do video and share it with your clients when they are thinking of a holiday in Africa.   And our brochure Our Work In Kenyan Communities also captures the essence of One Horizon and our work.   For further information contact us on [email protected]